Expressing 'All' with 都 and 所有
Sep 13, 2024
Expressing "All" with 所有
All: 所有 (+ 的) + Noun + 都 + Predicate
Use this structure when you want to say "all of" something. Note: Sometimes 的 can be omitted.
所有 always precedes a noun.
你买了所有的书吗📚? (You bought all of her books?)
所有的南瓜都挺甜的 🎃。(All strawberries from the US are quite sweet.)
所有学生都需要为考试学习📝。(All students have to study for exams.)
我记得所有朋友的生日 🎂。(I remember all my friend's birthday.)
Not All: 不是 + 所有 (+ 的) + Noun + 都 + Predicate
不是所有的美国 人都爱喝咖啡 ☕️。(Not all Americans love drinking coffee.)
不是所有公司都有很好的工作与生活平衡 🏢。(Not all companies have great work-life balance.)
Expressing "All" with 都
All: Subj. + 都 + Verb + Obj.
都 always precedes a verb.
美国人都说英文。(All Americans speak english.)
我们都去。(We are all going.)
None: 都没 + Verb + Obj.
我的家人都没去过中国。(None of my family has been to China.)